Techno-Trapped at 50 North

A Different Kind of Newsletter For the Common Good

It is possible that your “In-Box” is full of Newsletters that you didn’t even know you signed up for- perhaps it may have come to you from something you ordered from Amazon or somewhere else and since then the offers, newsletters, etc. just keep rolling in.

“Techno-Trapped” – OUR News is going to be different!  PROMISE and Here’s Why:

  1. There is ONE Goal: To help people navigate the constant “next best thing.”
  2. The Focus:   Technology – your phone, your tablet, your laptop or random things on the internet: Facebook, Pinterest, Google Docs, Facetime, to name a few.
  3. NO business is sponsoring this information, it is based purely on our experience and feedback from you- good and bad.


Because we have Mom’s, Dad’s and friends that could benefit from knowing some of the cool things on the internet.  MOST all of them will be free to use, you just need to know how to use them.

We have Mom’s, Dad’s and friends that feel constantly belittled because they don’t know how to use things and they are missing out on staying connected with their loved ones, old friends and learning something new that may help in their own health care.  That’s Why.

Have A Question, Comment or Cheer?

Send me an email! or just stay tuned, please don’t unsubscribe to this Newsletter. There will be another one next month.  If you send us an email with a question or something to share, you will remain “Anonymous” unless you tell us otherwise.

The “Techno-Trapped”  Newsletter will be coming out Monthly- the 14th of each month. It’s free and if it is something you want to share with your friends, PLEASE DO!

Thank You!

The blog has tons of entries about all kinds of things.  Most of the newsletter content will be generated from new questions or new technology that people ask us about, but feel free to browse around the blog if you like and tell your friends!